Do You Need more Reasons to Eat Fruit?

I give you more reasons to eat fruit..

  • Cherries => help calm your nervous system
  • Grapes => relax your blood vessels
  • Peaches => are rich in potassium, fluoride and iron
  • Apples => help your body develop resistance against infections
  • Watermelon => helps control your heart rate
  • Oranges => help maintain great skin and vision
  • Strawberries => can potentially fight against cancer and aging
  • Bananas => are great for athletes because they give you energy
  • Pineapple => help fight arthritis
  • Blueberries => protect your heart
  • Kiwis => increases bone mass
  • Mangos => protect against several kind of cancer

so eat more fruit its good for your health.. thanks for reading this..


Healthy Infused Water

we drink water everyday.. so why don’t you try some infused water..

is easy to make and healthier.. so this is some simple and quick recipe that u can try..

1. Green tea, mint and lime => for fat burning, digestion, headaches, congestion and breath freshener.

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2.  Strawberry and kiwi => for cardiovascular health, immune system protection, blood sugar regulation and digestion.

3. Cucumber, lime and lemon => for water weight management, bloating, appetite control, hydration and digestion.

4. Lemon, lime and orange => for digestion vitamin c, immune defense and heartburn (drink this one at room temperature).

Infused water is good for detoxification energy and hydration. put as much fruit in water as you like and let the water sit for at least 30 minutes before drinking..

Hope you like this post.. thank you for reading this..